TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Driver side window acting wonky
People Seeking Info

Subject Driver side window acting wonky
Posted by rdwoebke on August 17, 2020 at 4:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 216 times.
Message Hello,

Long time Z owner here (1993 NA 2 seater, 180K miles, bought it in 1998) and reader of the useful information here but first time poster. A few weeks ago my driver side window started acting wonky. It just happened out of the blue one day when I went to roll it up.

I have done a bit of research here on this forum and other places to try to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. I'm not sure if it is the motor going weak, if the scissor mechanism is somehow out of alignment, if the power amplifier is going out, etc. So I am looking for suggestions from folks on what you think could be going wrong. I understand to get to the motor, the lifter mechanism, etc. will require taking the door panel off and I have read the documentation on that and think I can handle taking it off. But before I take it off I had the thought perhaps folks here might have some idea on what I need to do. So to help with that I made this video to document the problem:

Thanks in advanced for your time, ideas, advice,


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