TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A.C. malfunction
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Subject A.C. malfunction
Posted by xarcos on August 04, 2020 at 7:15 AM
  This message has been viewed 204 times.
Message Hi. First of all excuse my writing, I don't speak English well.
I have the following problem in a TT.
If I turn on the air conditioning it doesn't turn on the compressor, nor does it turn on the small fan.
If I want cold air, I have to activate a switch that connects the negative pole of the compressor relay to ground, but it does not automatically turn on, same for the small fan (this is not necessary to be cold). I already changed the air conditioning module that is behind the wheel to test if that was the problem. I made the diagnosis that appears in the workshop manual, and apparently the wiring is ok. Any ideas?

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