TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Electrical accessory damage on startup DVDBURN help??
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Subject Re: Electrical accessory damage on startup DVDBURN help??
Posted by Cjw3 on August 01, 2020 at 11:28 AM
  This message has been viewed 165 times.
In Reply To Electrical accessory damage on startup DVDBURN help?? posted by KA8 on August 01, 2020 at 09:49 AM
Message I have an Issue at my work ( a Production Facility ) where SOMETIMES when you kill the Main Disconnect on one of the machines, the PLC will go into Fatal Error, and Require a Re-Boot from Memory Card to get it back running.. We think we have isolated it to the fact that there is a BIG transformer on the Down Side of the Main, that was added for the machine to match US Voltages..
After Figuring that this might be a Problem, we have started pulling all the circuit breakers on the Low Voltage PLC Stuff BEFORE pulling the Main.. The Idea here is the Big Transformer 'Unloads' it Magnetic Spike when the Line Voltage Collapses... This causes a Short High Voltage Pulse on the Line now isolated by the main, and the Spike will cause the Low Voltage Powersupplies not to be able to react fast enough. So far the Trick has worked.. it just requires us to have a longer step sequence to power up and power down the Machine..

Now your Scenario.. The Starter is the largest Inductor on the Z I can think of.. As it's turning, it's dumping trash onto the 12 volt line.. If your Electronics are not hardened to take this 'Spikey Voltage', the Powersupply internal to it will not be able to respond fast enough to Adjust for the Noise..

Old Skool it was 'Alternator Whine' that could be herd in the Newer ( '60's at the time ) Radios.. this was because the Radios did not have good enough Line Isolation to knock out the Alternator Pulses..
I think your problem is about the same, but we are now dealing with Micro-Amp stuff these days... I think the Fix is the same..

Put a 'Line Cleaner' on the Voltage Tap from the Cigarette lighter to your Gizmos.. Traditionally the Cleaner is an Inductor that will be series in your 12 volt line.. It will try and not let the High Voltage spikes get through it's magnetic field, and then there is usually a set of Capacitors before and after the Inductor, that are hooked to 'Veh Ground'.. this will filter some more of the trash before and after the filter..

I'm thinking E-Bay is a good Source.. Usually they are 'Amp Rated' for pass through amps.. you want to keep the 'Pass Through Amps' as low as you can, as this will USUALLY allow better filtering of the Trash your looking to kill..


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