TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Auto won't shift into 3rd or 4th.
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Subject Auto won't shift into 3rd or 4th.
Posted by Goldchocobo on July 27, 2020 at 12:47 PM
  This message has been viewed 187 times.
Message 1st, 2nd, and OD on/off works.

Changed the fluid - old fluid was pitch black. Tranny pan was coated in thick black junk. The tranny filter itself was surprisingly clean. No big chunks found - just a gross, black gunk.

No codes from ECU or transmission diagnostic (tranny diag just blinks a constant fast blink, normal?).

I also checked the TPS with the voltmeter and it is working just fine.

Currently searching for a 5 speed to swap in, but the pickins are very slim in the Vancouver Canada area.

Any ideas on the auto? I've used the search and have found a pretty shocking lack of info or help.

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