TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - PCV Delete for daily driving - recommended or not?
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Subject PCV Delete for daily driving - recommended or not?
Posted by DanielThomas on July 25, 2020 at 5:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 293 times.
Message Hi guys
i have been reading online about doing a PCV delete and it seems there is some conflicting information.

From what i have read, It's obviously good that it wont coat the intake & intercoolers with oil but then the oil could possibly become contaminated and need changing more regularly.

i did the delete and made sure i did it all properly but oil was shooting out from the dipstick & valve covers so i put it back to how it was originally.

I read if you live in a cold climate and daily drive it could cause contamination from condensation, although i don't really understand why, i do however live in the UK & daily drive the 300 so i want to make sure i set up the best PCV set up for my environment.

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