TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Struggling with A/C low cut sensor issue, any A/C experts?
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Subject Struggling with A/C low cut sensor issue, any A/C experts?
Posted by Polishzx on July 05, 2020 at 9:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 260 times.
Message Trying to charge my A/C system for the first time. Had everything setup and through the process until I needed the compressor to work to take in refrigerant. Unfortunately the compressor won't turn on. I jumpered the switch sensor connector, and the compressor comes on fine. I replaced the switch with a new one, SAME ISSUE. It still doesn't come on, but comes on when jumpered. What else could cause this, any ideas? This is a 94TT so working with R134a. A brand new drier was also installed recently.

Could there be debris in the line or something else causing an issue? I have a ConZult and that says there are no detected problems with the A/C....

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