TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You need to flush the hoses and cooler after an engine fail
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Subject You need to flush the hoses and cooler after an engine fail
Posted by Doug71zt(CAN) on June 29, 2020 at 10:24 PM
  This message has been viewed 265 times.
In Reply To Engine breakin with upgraded oil cooler posted by nick.c on June 29, 2020 at 01:11 PM
Message Otherwise, all the trash goes through your new oil pump.
Doesn't matter if it happens during breakin or down the road.

All the engines I build have the cooler connected at installation. If you are worried about immediate oil flow during initial start, that isn't an issue with the factory cooler system. It is a total loss system, takes a portion of the oil flow from the tree, runs it through the restrictor and cooler, dumps it back in the pan. The cooler circuit has a check valve in the tree that only opens somewhere around 50 psi if I remember correctly, so at start and below that pressure the cooler circuit doesn't flow.

If you are running an aftermarket full-flow setup, you can just loop a cooler hose from one port to the other on your cooler adapter and bypass the cooler for breakin. The cooler and hoses still need to be flushed after an engine failure.

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