TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I didn't want to call it a PWM signal because...
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Subject I didn't want to call it a PWM signal because...
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on June 05, 2020 at 10:31 AM
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In Reply To I think what you meant to say posted by Zvil (FL) on June 05, 2020 at 04:59 AM
Message although I know what it's not, I'm not sure if it's actually a PWM signal or on/off pulses controlled in some other way.

I think of a PWM signal as a circuit that is constantly running at a specific frequency with a way of controlling the duty cycle such as the FPC. The FPC is a constantly running PWM circuit with the duty cycle controlled by the ECU.

The FSM refers to the AAC valve solenoid as being controlled by an on/off pulse, and that the pulse can be longer or shorter. But it doesn't say it's controlled by a PWM signal.

Take the injectors for example. The injectors are controlled by an on/off pulse. The amount of time that pulse (duty cycle) takes place is determined by values in the eeprom. The pulse to the injector takes place in accordance with the pulses the ECU receives from the CAS. Without the CAS pulse the injector pulse doesn't happen. Would you call this a PWM circuit, just not like the traditional PWM circuit you see for things like motor control?

The PS module outputs signals to the PS solenoid in a similar way. How fast those pulses are sent to the solenoid is determinded by the speed of the 2P signal. Is the circuit in the PS module a constantly running PWM circuit that outputs a varying duty cycle dependant on the 2P signal? Or is it a circuit like the one that controls the injectors?

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