TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - well....
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Subject well....
Posted by Zvil (FL) on June 04, 2020 at 7:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 267 times.
In Reply To Tell me more... posted by BlackholeZ on June 04, 2020 at 10:58 AM
Message I noticed one day while driving that I would be able to control the car alot better (i.e. in an oversteer situation) if I could spin the steering wheel alot faster. I started looking for a gearbox that would multiply my steering input and sure enough I found a very affordable and decent quality piece on ebay. To experiment I went ahead and purchased it, cut my stock steering column and welded it all together inline with the column. The input to the gearbox would be 1 turn and the output would be 2 turns so I cut the distance my hands have to travel by half.
-Very solid/heavy feel, kinda go kart-ey.
-Very easy to "catch" the rear end from coming around. In alot of ways I feel it makes the car safer, since this modification I haven't had the rear end come around, and I did this about 4 years ago.... Also one time a deer was in the road in front of me and I was able to dodge it unbelievably fast, it was almost miraculous and my wife even to this day says it was impossible. LOL
-My arms don't get "tangled up" from having to do excessively fast hand over hand steering.
-Probably one of the most noticeable, most fun mods I've ever done! It's everything I thought it would be!
-The time and money spent welding and installing the mod
-In a crash -God forbid- the steering column has lost it's ability to collapse, so I might get a mouth full of steering wheel if I ever do wreck hard enough
-While cruising (and the reason I ask to gain more assist at all times) the steering wheel is heavy and if the road is crowned enough, it will fatigue you, trying to keep the car from following the crown/curve, I've gotten used to it though, It's my daily.
-Losing power steering is something to think about, I did manage to keep control of the Z on an extremely curvy road, and another time my ps belt snapped, I was able to turn into a gas station right after, it's doable, but I'm not a weak lad.
-In many ways I personally give up safety for performance and fun, that is my choice and I've accepted the consequences, if you think about it though the Z is a death trap, it's not as safe as newer cars and at a high power level with no traction control and dated abs..... I will say it's a wonder I'm still alive.

I liked it so much I bought a second gear box with the intention of modding another steering column, selling them as a well known community mod..... but quickly realized the legal implications of selling something that under certain circumstances could be blamed for an accident or loss of life, I decided against trying to sell a bunch to make money...... I shelved it for a while then my cousin (who would never come after me if something unfortunate happened) has a Z with power steering delete, he plans to do highway and drag racing, so I decided to make him one in reverse, basically it reduces steering effort by half, basically giving power steering effort without the loss of power/ weight/ or leaky rack/hoses/pump. He loves how much easier it is now. They make other ratios too, like 1.5. =)

"The dreaded 2nd windshiled wiper swipe when you turn it off its almost like tis showing you that it's boss, and it doesn't have to stop when you tell it to :("-College Boy

(discussion on ptu relocation)
"No good reason to put it there anyway. -Bernie (NoVA)
False -vorpalZ
False. -Bernie (NoVA)
You're correct, there are 3 good reasons -vorpalZ
False. -Bernie (NoVA)
Wow, right again, just remembered another, make that 4 -vorpalZ"

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