TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - The FSM provides no real technical info...
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Subject The FSM provides no real technical info...
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on June 03, 2020 at 5:21 PM
  This message has been viewed 283 times.
In Reply To I feel i have to arrest you a little bit on the solenoid posted by kickerzx on June 03, 2020 at 02:20 PM
Message on what's actually going on. It gives you a chart of the amplitude which is helpful in determining if you have a bad control module. But I suppose it's good enough to give you a yae or nae on what's bad. The PS control module changes voltage, amplitude and frequency. Much like the FPC module.

The auxiliary air control valve (A.A.C.) also uses a solenoid that operates in this way. You can find a description of the A.A.C valve on page EF&EC-17 (1990 FSM). It too operates by an on/off pulse, not an on/off signal. It also states somewhere in the manual that it's controlled by a wave forming signal.

Due to the low "voltage" needed to operate the PS solenoid, 6.6 volts max at zero MPH and less voltage at higher speeds as stated in the FSM, I don't recommend checking the solenoid using the voltage from a car battery. If you do, make and release the connection quickly, and do it just enough to hear a click. But even so, this will not confirm that the solenoid is functioning correctly over the entire "frequency" of operation.

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