TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Plenum Pull Difficulties
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Subject Plenum Pull Difficulties
Posted by JesseC on June 02, 2020 at 7:33 PM
  This message has been viewed 219 times.
Message So I am new to working on cars and figured id jump in the deep end and buy a 95 TT 300zx as a project. First thing on the list... valve cover gaskets as I thought they were leaking. I now have the plenum off and I am in the middle of doing some deletes and stuff like that (EGR, TB Coolant Bypass) I now realize I might be in a little over my head haha. So i have a few questions

1. Does anyone have a resource that shows where all the hoses and lines go to put the plenum back on. (My documentation prep work was severely lacking)

2. I am doing the TB bypass but there is an extra hose coming from the front of the car that im not sure whats its for? I snipped it as the PLenum Pull article I was reading said it would be a part of the bypass

3. For the balance tube do any of the hoses change? I am just getting confused with all of these lines and I didnt take enough pictures at the beginning.

Thanks in advance yall!! Please help me out!!!

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