TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1995 NA A/C unit not working after being to 4 different shop
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Subject 1995 NA A/C unit not working after being to 4 different shop
Posted by Bestboy on May 27, 2020 at 12:10 AM
  This message has been viewed 250 times.
Message Long story short I’ve taken my 95 Z to four different repair shops to try and diagnose why my AC unit won’t blow cold air. The last two shops were a complete auto restoration shop and the Nissan dealership. Neither were very helpful and basically every shop has said how there is a lack of parts, diagnostic information, and that I’m kinda shit out of luck as they’re stumped.

What I do know is that the compressor works, it’s fully charged with Freon, the blower comes on, and that the system can be bypassed to blow cold air. One of the shops said it could be the “ECGR” (might have a letter or two wrong so I apologize) which he said basically tells the whole car, including the AC unit what to do. In the same sentence he said it might not fix the issue.

I’m kinda running out of options and with summer coming up I’m wondering what the next step is. Does anyone here have any experience with this or on their own Z? Thanks all

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