TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Thank you for the Vid..
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Subject Thank you for the Vid..
Posted by Cjw3 on May 26, 2020 at 7:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 156 times.
In Reply To Re: Yes:.. Of Serious intrest is the T-Bodies Back posted by Ruffkid43 on May 26, 2020 at 04:21 PM
Message The Engine sounds good.. It's not really struggling or Missing ..
Congratulations on your Build.. These things can be difficult.
I'm thinking the Fuel Tune is not right.. Sounds like when the MAF is plugged in, it tries to Fix the Open Loop Mixture to where the tune thinks it should be, and the Engine sounds like it's starving for fue as it slowly fades outl..
Please hunt down a copy of Conzult or ECU talk and see where the O2 Voltage is going..
I'm thinking once you get the Engine up to Temp, and the ECU goes into Closed Loop, the ECU will try and get the Fuel Mixture Proper using the Fuel Trims.. and the Idle will Improve.

1) check Fuel Pressure at Idle
2) Verify the ECU ROM is coded for the Fuel Injectors you have installed.

Please report what you find..

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