TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Help with dipstick stuck in oil pan.
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Subject Help with dipstick stuck in oil pan.
Posted by doug8867 on May 09, 2020 at 3:36 PM
  This message has been viewed 188 times.
Message Long story short My Z is primarily a summer car. Over a year ago I had a shop install a steering rack and replace a leaking oil pan because I didn’t have a lift or engine hoist to support the engine to do the work myself. Fast forward to today and I’ve discovered the dipstick is stuck in the engine.

A quick search here reveals that’s probably because they didn’t remove the dipstick when they replaced the pan so it’s now stuck in an oil pan baffle. Since it was so long ago I expect the shop will put up a fight plus I’d be without the car for awhile so as an alternative I’m considering whether I could break off the dipstick and insert a new one and whether that would cause any long term damage.

I’ve read here that others have had this happen and have pulled until they broke off the dipstick end. Since the oil pump has a screen on it doesn’t appear there is much danger of the tip being sucked up by the pump.

If the tip breaks off does this allow a new dipstick to be inserted?

Is there a risk of damage with the tip in there?

Thanks for any information you could share.

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