TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - When going with a different speedometer gauge setup....
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Subject When going with a different speedometer gauge setup....
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on May 06, 2020 at 4:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 172 times.
In Reply To Re: Re: replace stock gauge with Haltech IC-7 posted by Guyver1 on April 29, 2020 at 03:40 PM
Message keep the stock gauge for the ECU. Take it out of the cluster and put it under the Cluster bonnet behind the replacement cluster and put it in a plastic bag or a small plastic box. Trace the connections from the gauge screws that hold it in the cluster to the plugs on the back of the cluster so you'll know which wires to use. There are only four wires that go to it. B+, ground, sig in and 2p out. The 2p out goes to the ecu. This will allow the ECU to work off the speed signal as it should. You can even remove the mechanical part of the gauge with the face and needle to make it more compact as the board doesn't need it to process the signal. 90/91 gauge motors will be a little difficult to remove since it has rivets that hold the gauge motor to the board but if it's the new style US 92+ gauge it's just a matter of un-soldering the four pins to the gauge and removing two small screws that hold it to the board. If it has the rivets you'll have to grind them off. I use a small stone dremel bit on a hand drill.

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