TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Help! light smoke burning smell after driving...
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Subject Help! light smoke burning smell after driving...
Posted by Shutoburner on April 16, 2020 at 11:15 AM
  This message has been viewed 227 times.
Message It started with just some smell during idle last year, and now it's gotten progressively worse with visible haze coming from under the car. It's really hard to describe the smell but sort of like burnt rubber? but it has more of a funk, and possibly sulfur smell. The smell quality is a tad different since changing my stock exhaust for an aftermarket catback. I get no burning if I'm just cruising around, but as soon as I go WOT couple of times, the smell comes on immediately. Bad enough inside the cabin too. The car has 30k miles. Interesting timing but I don't notice as positive boost on the stock gauge, but there is vacuum. The car feels and sounds just fine. Just the smell...could this be failing factory cat? Thanks in advance!

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