TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Question about 95tt ECU + Additional boost sensor?
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Subject Question about 95tt ECU + Additional boost sensor?
Posted by lleron on March 25, 2020 at 12:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 202 times.
Message It's been a while, but I'm now back in the 300zx game with a 95tt which has led to a few questions. In the past I had a 91na->tt swap and a few things are different on the newer car.

-First, I'm looking to swap the ECU to an 8-bit to make tuning a lot easier. From what I can tell, any older ECU is plug and play. My big question is, can I use an NA ecu with a TT EPROM if I'm not running the factory boost solenoids? It's unclear to me if the TT fuel pump controller can be controlled by the NA ECU.

-Second, I have an additional factory boost sensor under the nose panel that I haven't seen on any vacuum diagram but is plugged into the 95 EFI harness. Can I remove this if I'm running an aftermarket boost controller and an older ECU? What is it used for?

Picture of it here:

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