As with my previous post about the simple fix for most failed JDM/EURO type clocks (LINK), I found that USDM clocks have a similar issue and same type fix. Although there are design/hardware differences between the EURO/JDM (single circuitboard) and USDM (dual circuitboard) clocks, the USDM clocks have similar continuity issues in several passthrough points on the circuitboard that holds the display In the picture below I have circled the passthrough points that (may) have issues..each colour should be interconnected (yellow to yellow, blue to blue, red to red) To be able to check/fix this, you will need to seperate the 2 circuitboards first (desolder the 6 connections on the circuitboard that holds the display) see the FAQ for more info: How do I fix my center console clock? If you already replaced the 181 resistors and your clock is still dim or not working, you can try to repair the clock by doing a continuity test with a multimeter to check which of the points have issues and only fix the ones that have failed, but it's probably best to just connect in the picture below Full write-up for all type clocks (EDM/USDM/JDM) :