TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Direct Wiring Walbro 485 Fuel Pump
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Subject Direct Wiring Walbro 485 Fuel Pump
Posted by Bigwill837 on June 18, 2019 at 11:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 404 times.
Message I am following CZP's writeup on direct-wiring my Walbro 485 fuel pump to the chassis harness (CZP Writeup).

I have a spare FPCU that I am pulling the male chassis connector from. The writeup mentions:

"...but just looking at the diagram appeared to indicate that using the outside-most pin (top-right if you’re holding the harness connector in your hand and staring at the female pins on it) made the most direct connection.

At this point, I decided to run a new harness directly from the FPCU connector on the chassis harness to the bulkhead, giving the fuel pump a direct, solid connection of 14awg wiring without worrying about where the OEM harness may or may not reduce down to 18awg. First, I started by making a custom harness. This was done by using the male connector I previously removed from a bad FPCU sitting around, and it only has one wire going to that orange wire pin. It runs alongside a ground wire, which uses a 12-14awg eyelet crimped and soldered on the end."

Which numbered prong in the picture below needs to be direct-wired for power? The writeup says "top right" but top right depends on which way you're holding the connector.


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