TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1994 electrical and vac docs and links
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Subject 1994 electrical and vac docs and links
Posted by turisimo66 on June 07, 2019 at 6:34 PM
  This message has been viewed 574 times.
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As part of the restoration of my 1994 Z i have dug out and collected a bunch of docs and material. I know these are available on this and related 300ZX sites but as stuff tends to "disappear" sometimes, i thought i'd also link them here in case they are useful to anyone else (the links got to hi-res versions)

Customizable Vacuum diagram of my 1994 Z (you can use the gimp xcf version to customize to align to your specific car mods and export a png or jpg)

hi res version
xcf version editable in gimp

generic colour coded wiring diagrams (makes tracing much easier)

hi res version

1994 specific, original wiring diagrams

hi res version

hi res version

I hope they might be helpful to anyone else doing work on the Z


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