Am I seeing this correctly? Was under the hood yesterday when I noticed I had a silicone hose where I believe I should have a high pressure fuel hose. This is the hose between the hard line and the fuel dampener. Upon touching/squeezing the hose I could smell gas all over my fingers. I have the Z1 high pressure fuel hose replacement kit that I haven't gotten around to replacing yet so I'll just replace it...but I want to know how ridiculous this is finding a silicone hose instead of a high pressure hose? Should the previous owner or whoever did this be slapped? Or is it not a big deal/completely fine? What hose is this that Z1 sells? I'm wondering where this was actually meant to be installed. Also, looks like there is a coolant/spring clamp holding on another one of the fuel lines rather than a fuel line screw clamp. Should I replace it with a proper screw clamp? Thanks