TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Need Electrical testing advice
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Subject Need Electrical testing advice
Posted by acetrebo on May 31, 2018 at 7:32 AM
  This message has been viewed 217 times.
Message My car has recently intermittently not started.

When it happens, which is pretty random, I get nothing when I turn the key. No clicks, no anything, no start. I do however have full power. Stereo, lights etc.

Then I'll try a few times, and most of the time it will start on one of the turns all of a sudden. But now its getting worse, not wanting to start.

Since the battery in the car was 6 years old, I replaced it tonight, even though it tested fine both off and running, as I thought the age could be a factor. But a new battery went in, and I tried to start car, and nothing once again. Tomorrow I may try it, and it might start on the first try.

The car is 1991 TT manual.

I'm wondering if it could be clutch pedal switch, ignition tumbler itself, or what else it could be. Starter going out?

So whats the best place to start? Maybe seeing at starter if it gets voltage when key is turned? What would make sense to test first and systematically rule out the problem/components? Before I get to the harder stuff to test?

Thanks, any advice welcomed and appreciated.

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