This is not lift tick (though I hear that in the video too). My conclusive video of what's happening during VTC failure. Tell tale sign is if the noise goes away at higher power levels, i.e. higher oil pressures. VTC noise is normally recognized during decels which is what you're highlighting! (my case shown in the video was rather unique) To my knowledge there is NO inherent risk of damaging the engine due to this noise and underlying VTC problem. There is also NO power loss associated with the VTC noise -- it simply postpones the VTC transition point as the VTC piston is resonating at the switch over pressure. It's a transient event only and oil pressures in the engine are maintained throughout the event. It's very, very annoying and embarrassing though. And, no, this was not caused by anything having to do with your engine build but rather oil change frequency and/or just miles on the VTCs. It's a systemic Z32 VTC issue due to lack of experience by the Nissan engineers and designers of the day (resonance is not a simple issue to understand nor fix and this VTC system design is quite complicated). The simple yet expensive and time consuming solution: replace with BDE Performance's rebuilt VTCs (please tell him Taylor Strack sent you). It's a pain in the ass job. Sorry. Hopefully I'm wrong but I doubt it.
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