TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Frustrated clutch bleeder in Atlanta
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Subject Frustrated clutch bleeder in Atlanta
Posted by jgbatlantaZ on September 28, 2014 at 3:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 216 times.
Message Despite reading every FAQ and words of advice I can find here.....I am v e r Y frustrated and unable to bleed my clutch system after replacing slave and master cylinders.

Yes, I know about the bleed valve on the passenger fender. I have tried using a vacuum "sucker" bottle, and also have run through a full bottle of brake fluid attempting to get it done.

Where can I go, what can I do for help in the Atlanta Area? Z1 is SO darn far from me to flatbed it seems ridiculous to have to do that!

I just never even get the start of a firm pedal! Not even close. I can't move the car because it won't shift out of gear.

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