TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How to identify OEM VG30DE(TT) Intake camshaft pulleys
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Subject How to identify OEM VG30DE(TT) Intake camshaft pulleys
Posted by LitlElvis on April 19, 2014 at 5:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 4220 times.
Message I've had a couple instances recently where people didn't know what type of VTC they had or needed so I put together this little guide to help ID the different intake camshaft pulley types.

BDE Tech Bulletin (downloadable PDF version)

Subject: VG30DE(TT) Intake Camshaft Pulley Identification

Variable Timing Camshaft (VTC)
There are three distinctly different types of VG30DE(TT) VTCs – most people know there is a difference between the early and the late type VTCs, but there is also a hybrid which was sold by Nissan parts dealers as a service replacement for early 90-93NA/90-94TT applications. This service replacement is almost identical looking to the late type VTC which feature a bolt-on timing belt cog with the only difference being that it has a deeper pocket to work on the longer, early type cams.

VTC Types
• Early, 90-93NA, 90-94TT – identified by the six round holes surrounding the inner hub.
• Late, 90-93NA, 90-94TT – ***service replacement*** – identified by the bolt-on outer cog AND the 1.280” (32.5mm) camshaft pocket depth.
• Late, 94-95NA, 95TT – “Service Replacement” identified by the bolt-on outer cog AND the 1.015” (25.8mm) camshaft pocket depth.

1996 USDM Only No-VTC
The 1996 USDM models deleted the VTC function due to OBDII compliance issues. These pulleys look similar to Late VTCs with their bolt-on outer cog but with the exception of a smaller diameter center hub. This hub is solid and cannot be converted to VTC functionality and is therefore not acceptable as a core for BDE VTC rebuilds.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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