TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Secret built in cup holder
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Subject Secret built in cup holder
Posted by Zvil (FL) on December 05, 2012 at 11:45 AM
  This message has been viewed 1840 times.
Message Step 1...... remove ashtray
Step 2...... place drink inside of console.

I'm probably going to fabricate an insert to give it a cleaner look, I may also consider relocating the cigarette lighter socket to the radio bezel as I've noticed my cell phone charger cord gets in the way of the shifter sometimes.

*disclaimer*: all that I say may be true or I may be completely wrong and I accept that.... please, it is your duty as another person on the internet to tell me (in-politely) how wrong I am :)

"The dreaded 2nd windshiled wiper swipe when you turn it off its almost like tis showing you that it's boss, and it doesn't have to stop when you tell it to :("-College Boy

This is what happens when you leave your Z parked outside too long:

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