TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Don't throw away that nonworking MAF.
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Subject Don't throw away that nonworking MAF.
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on May 05, 2012 at 8:01 PM
  This message has been viewed 2174 times.
Message Even the MAFs are going bad due to bad solder connections and they can be fixed.

This cover is only held on with RTV.

After you pry it off, unsolder this copper shield at these two spots.

Then solder all the connections on the top board. I circled the obvious connections that were bad but you should solder all of them since you are in there.

You don't need to take out the module as I did here. I just wanted to examine the circuitry and how it works since I had the chance. It uses a single operational amplifier IC (with 4 op amps) and outputs an analog signal. No microprocessor in here. The ECU converts the analog signal to a digital value with one of the analog to digital inputs on the ECUs microprocessor.

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