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I did this test with the motor at nornal operating temp and it took an hour and forty five minutes . I started with the #1 cylinder by lining up the timing marks at zero degree TDC . since the firing order is 123456 i went next to the #2 cylinder , put a 18" long screw driver on top of the #2 piston and rolled the engine clockwise ( using a 27mm socket on the crank nut ) until the screwdriver was all the way up , then tested that cylinder and moved on to cylinder 3,4,5,6 this kept things in order of TDC on the compression cycle by following the firing order. i replaced the spark plug after each cylinder was tested to help keep the motor from wanting to spin under the pressure i was applying but did keep a break over bar and 27mm socket on the crank nut to help stabilize it. i took the tb intake pipes off ,the oilcap off and the radiator cap off to find any leaks , i could only hear a small whistling sound coming from the oil cap as the five pounds i was losing was escaping past the rings and into the crank case which i understand to be normal. hope that helps. p.s. I pulled the balance tube , intake pipes , and all the coilpacks first so once i started testing i could jump quickly from cylinder to cylinder . this helped out because i had a friend helping hold the breakover bar on each cylinder while i did the testing . i only needed him for an hour . the rest was taking it all apart and putting it back together