TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - The problem turned out to be the PS pump.
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Subject The problem turned out to be the PS pump.
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on May 22, 2009 at 11:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 829 times.
In Reply To Have you ever reset the "center" on the SAS? posted by Spddracer on May 22, 2009 at 05:07 PM
Message If your PS system is working and the SAS center was off you would still have PS capability. Just like if you had your steering wheel turned and shut your car off, when you start the car back up you still have PS. You don't have to use the consult to set the SAS center. Setting the SAS to center is only a matter of having your wheels straight and centering the steering wheel by either removing the steering wheel and putting it back on straight up and down (center) or removing the swivel knuckle that connects the steering wheel column to the splined shaft at the steering rack, centering the steering wheel and putting the knuckle back on. The SAS outer part is stationary to the steering wheel column outer shell which never moves. The disc part of the SAS rotates with the steering wheel and the center part of the steering wheel column. The large slotted hole as seen in one of the pictures determines the center point. When the steering wheel is center that slot is in the middle of the photo LED beam which determines the center position by passing the beam through that slot. The consult just gives you an indication of this electronically.

I'm working on a writeup which will help troubleshoot a PS problem by allowing you to determine what type of PS problem you have. There are three main types. I knew my PS problem was one of two but I was not sure which one it was because I had never felt one of them.

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