Would sure as hell save tons of work if it's actually do-able for future RB swappers.
BEST 1/4mile 11.92 @ 117mph. PUMP gas, true 11 sec. street car :) stock turbos/injectors
"yo yo. writing this one in jail - tight300zx" I hope you got soap on a rope?? (n/m) - Spongerider :) 19:14:08 04/01/04 we'll know if the screen name changes ;) (n/m) - SactoTodd 19:32:36 04/01/04
"I did plug the holes, But I did it by taping over them a lot, I didnt think that maybe HOT air is comming through there, And it melted the tape, damnit im an ass." - - DC 21:11:01 02/18/04 (the "holes" were located on the exhaust) |