TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Injector Dremel method pics for reference
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Subject Re: Injector Dremel method pics for reference
Posted by ZX2NVaus on January 08, 2007 at 5:49 AM
  This message has been viewed 818 times.
In Reply To Injector Dremel method pics for reference posted by Ted (92TT) on January 07, 2007 at 09:24 PM
Message :The obvious question the first time you Dremel your manifold is "How much can I safely grind off?" A lot actually. I did these onesy-twosy as they failed over a few months. I recently changed them out again for 555s and decided to grab some pictures. Extra points if you spot the cause of my richness problem.
:Injector #1 (Front passenger side)
:Injector #3 (Middle passenger side)
:Injector #5 (Rear passenger side)
:Injector #2 (Front driver side)
:Injector #4 (Middle driver side)
:Injector #6 (Rear driver side)
:All injectors... Spot the problem yet? No dot on #5 - it's a 555, not a 390! My bad for not noticing when I put it in. Can't absolutely confirm this without flow testing, but what are the chances the dot just "disappeared"?
:New injectors are pretty easy to pull out, but this little gem made it much easier still. It lifts the injector enough to get a good grip around the outside with a pair of long nose vise grips. No damage whatsoever.
:Older injectors are a different story. They tend to crumble and stick like crazy. Here's how a got them out the first time around.
:Hope this helps!
:Ted (92TT)

Just wondering if your pleum is ported and polished or extrude honed and if you think you did that now would you run into problems. Also what year model is the car you did this too.



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