TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ZCON 2012 tt.NET dinner
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Subject ZCON 2012 tt.NET dinner
Posted by Dallas DamonZ on July 06, 2012 at 3:51 PM
  This message has been viewed 4316 times.
Message What night would you prefer for the dinner?

ZCON 2012 schedule

Wednesday night before the car show. Then you can have your tt.NET trophies and hangover at the ZCCA show the next day, but your car might not be prepped for the ZCCA show (this seems to be less and less important to you guys)


Thursday night after the car show and the night before the track day. This is when we normally do the dinner, but we're concerned about dehydration at the track after too much adult hydration the night before. We are in Phoenix after all!


  1. Wednesday night
  2. Thursday night
  3. I can't make it, I'm a buster! :-(
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