TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Make my car flat black or keep it metallic glossy black?
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Subject Make my car flat black or keep it metallic glossy black?
Posted by collegeboy on April 14, 2009 at 5:53 PM
  This message has been viewed 4173 times.
Message Ok, so it turns out that the company that does the flat black thing to cars is local to me so I got a quote from them, and the cost is fine with me. The stuff doesn't scratch, has a second vinyl layer over it for even more protection, has a 5 year warranty, and is totally removable. I am thinking of having it done, but the paint job on my car is flawless and wetsanded. I have decided to leave the decision up to you guys. You know what my car looks like, so what do ya think. flat, or glossy? Thanks very much!

  1. Flay black vinyl wrap
  2. Keep it the polished gloss black paint it currently is
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