TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - When will BigTDogg get his TT rebuild finished and start
When will BigTDogg get his TT rebuild finished and start
Posted by
Dave N
on January 07, 2009 at 4:59 PM
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driving it?
1. As soon as he pulls his thumb out from his ____
2. When all of the planets line up *just right*
3. Never - he'll just keep coming up with new excuses for not finishing it
4. As soon as the temps in MA get above 80 F
5. Whenever Demi Moore says its OK for him to work on the car
6. When the big one hits CA and Dave N sinks into the Pacific along with the rest of SoCal
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When will BigTDogg get his TT rebuild finished and start -
Dave N
16:59:57 01/07/09
Maybe, if he gets off of Gears 2. Haha (n/m)
23:33:43 01/10/09
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