TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - It's a good idea but it will never happen for many reasons.
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Subject It's a good idea but it will never happen for many reasons.
Posted by rojoloco (San Diego) on October 03, 2008 at 1:15 AM
  This message has been viewed 2156 times.
In Reply To Do we need a specific forum for buyer/seller reviews posted by J-Mart on September 29, 2008 at 05:11 PM
Message 1) If Z1 can affect the classifieds and archives, what do you think people would do to boost the reputation undeservedly?

2) Steps were already taken to prevent thieves and scammers. We now have a minimum hits and time as a member before someone can post in there.

3) If someone wants to make themselves look good, they will do it. If someone wants to steal money, they will find a way.

4) TT.NET isn't really into change. Basically, don't try to fix it until it breaks. Everything runs fine now so why change it? At least, that is the basic idea behind most thinking on here (and it partially makes sense).

In the end, I think it would be a nice addition. Do I think it would be enough to warrant it being added here? Not in the eyes of those who make the call.

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