TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A: NSM is not selling different site
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Subject A: NSM is not selling different site
Posted by LJZTT on June 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM
  This message has been viewed 1699 times.
In Reply To mag-worthy should mean money was spent... posted by ZiNnYc on June 08, 2008 at 11:20 AM
Message handles that, so the models are all selling crap, and the audio mags (lol, I'll give you a pass on caring one iota about audio mags) are nothing more than paid advertisements, NSM is none of the above and has asked the site's users to submit a car to represent the site, not sell the site

B:Where does budget factor into a nice car as an absolute? Someone could have spent Zilch in mods on a car and still have it looking as nice as anything with thousands poured into it. In fact Damon and Greg's choice at the TTnet dinner in '06 was a bone stock, incredibly well kept silver TT. Aside from cleaning supplies, and the discipline to preserve the car, that is all you need to have such a nice car if you are the original owner or with a little luck. Your statement indicates a heavy tendency towards materialism, which is fine, you're entitled to be that way, but don't act like the rest of us have something wrong with us because we aren't the same way.

C: Pageants are dumb, I'm starting to see a trend with you between audio mags, materialism, and pageants. *shrug*

D: So submit these so worthy cars, Pat's is a stunner inside and out, no doubt, but NSM left it up to the user base to openly submit and pick, not you, so cool your jets. These are all single exterior pics, there are PLENTY of Z32's here that are in the same category under that guideline IMO.

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