TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Is Paypal really that important?
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Subject Is Paypal really that important?
Posted by Waggz on May 13, 2008 at 10:07 PM
  This message has been viewed 1705 times.
Message Recently I have put up some of my previous mods for sale. I have had
many people contacting me interested in one thing or another. Regardless
of how badly some of these people wanted to buy something from me, they
won't do business without Paypal. I never got a paypal account just
because it seemed like a hassle and it charges a percentage of the
transaction. Some claim that there are certain security benefits that help,
but I haven't heard of any positive things about it's service when things go
wrong. I have always accepted checks and had no issues.
So how important is Paypal to you?

  1. I will only use Paypal. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  2. I might send a check only if the member is well known.
  3. I could go either way. It doesn't really matter.
  4. Screw Paypal. Its a pain in the ass.
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