TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What color for engine bay
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Subject What color for engine bay
Posted by jmicaelk on February 24, 2008 at 2:39 AM
  This message has been viewed 1303 times.
Message Hi, I'm planing on painting my Z yellow, I have a few choices here of color I seen on other cars, such as some S2000, a Audi TT and of course a Lamborghini yellow, some parts will be black, such as all carbon fiber details (Hood, wing, canards and more). But the biggest question is the engine bay, the car is right now black, and I'm planing on having the car painted later, but want to put back the new engine, so therefore I need the engine bay done, so should I leave it black with yellow car or painted it yellow right now. So that are the choices.

Regards Micael

  1. Yellow/Yellow
  2. Yellow/Black
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