TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What do you think about GTR posts?
What do you think about GTR posts?
Posted by
na300zx (OH)
on October 27, 2007 at 6:00 PM
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I am getting so fedup with posts about the GTR. I am curious how many share my sentiment. Should we allow posts about the GTR?
1. No
2. Yes
3. I could care less.
4. When has anyone ever posted about the GTR?
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What do you think about GTR posts? -
na300zx (OH)
18:00:00 10/27/07
They don't bother me.
rojoloco (Yokosuka, Japan)
18:45:32 10/28/07
Smart A$$ (n/m)
03:59:04 10/29/07
I do exactly that.
na300zx (OH)
16:55:38 10/29/07
I like all Nissan stuff. Why not? (n/m)
BoostingsidewayZ (SoFL)
19:47:58 10/30/07
me too, and the gtr is a twin turbo as well. (n/m)
07:49:36 11/07/07
Chances are if you like the Z32 then you are a fan of great
18:55:53 11/15/07
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