TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Classifieds Feedback system for
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Subject Classifieds Feedback system for
Posted by WildBillZx on December 13, 2006 at 1:42 AM
  This message has been viewed 428 times.
Message La-Z-Link to iKarma

ZBoost's post below reminded me of a company that created a feedback program for websites. The base program will remain free after beta testing. I went thru the demo, the faq and the Directory and this looks good! This could be a feasable addition to the classifieds?

What I like most is that feedback can be changed, handy for those that jump the gun and complain and for sellers that make good on the sale after the fact.

Members can post a pic by their feedback. Reminds me that I've gotta get my sig up, trying to create something original.

Asumming the mods like this and it does not slow the site nor cause problems, maybe this could be added to in a few months.

Sure some will attempt to exploit this with phoney feedback comments but IKarma (see FAQ post below) reads the IP address & email address of all posters to reduce fraud.

As always, members can ask for feedback in the general section for personal comments from members, but I feel this will help to reduce the DoucheBaggery from fraudsters.

Vote Away!!!

But can't the occasional dissatisfied customer ruin my iKarma reputation?
Credibility works both ways. iKarma makes it easy for visitors to your iKarma Profile to judge a poster's credibility by allowing everyone to see other comments left by that poster about others. This diminishes the credibility of the few chronic complainers everyone encounters, which helps to further reinforce the integrity you demonstrate by allowing both good and bad posts and ratings.

iKarma also takes steps to ensure that anonymous posting is minimized by verifying poster email addresses and by recording the date, time and IP address of every feedback post. This limits the impact of the occasional undeserved negative posting.

Finally, you may directly respond to a negative post in two ways - through a formal challenge, and by leaving a public followup comment. Either action allows you to ensure that both sides of the story are told

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