TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I have the Kaminari door fillers and CPark sides
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Subject I have the Kaminari door fillers and CPark sides
Posted by maglito on November 03, 2006 at 7:27 PM
  This message has been viewed 443 times.
In Reply To Cpark Sideskirts/fillers or Authentic Kaminari ?? posted by Kong ZTT GT28R MD on November 03, 2006 at 12:50 PM
Message Neither were installed since I ran out of time at the body shop before I left for Zcon, but looking at them the CPark parts are made of thin fiberglass and the Kaminari door fillers are made of a much thicker and durible feeling urethane. Although, since I want them slightly modifed my body guy says he wished I had the door fillers in fiberglass too since it is much easier to modify. So, CPark eaiser to modify for exact fitment (I want the stock accent stripe fully visble). The Kaminari useres higher quality materials. I can't yet speak the the fitment of either. But Kaminari NA wing fitment was really pretty good and it was made of fiberglass I believe. Cheers!

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