TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Biggest MISTAKE I made with the Z
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Subject Re: Biggest MISTAKE I made with the Z
Posted by senorbiscuits on July 06, 2006 at 7:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 395 times.
In Reply To Biggest MISTAKE I made with the Z posted by myz32 on June 19, 2006 at 11:24 PM
Message Here are my biggest mistakes, all I can say is, never again!

My first Z, a 93 NA auto

1. Buying it. Should have waited for a TT. Lost a ton of money repairing this car just to sell it.

2. Driving with bald tires in the rain!!! Yeah, I know, but that was a result of no funds. I lost control after changing lanes rather slowly, felt like I was on ice. Managed to avoid the car in front of me but finally lost it. After hitting the hillside, a few spins down PCH, a headache from the airbag, and a $2,400 bill, this will NEVER happen again. Lucky I didn't slide over into on coming traffic. Please don't let this be you!

3. Replacing the bumper from the above crash with a fiberglass one from Bomex. Well, aside from the fact some jerk hit my car and cracked it the day I spent 8 hrs trying to get it to fit right, it didn't fit right. They didn't design the bumper I bought to fit correctly with the stock foglights, and they didn't indicate that either. Also, you so much as bump a curb or take a driveway too steep and "CRACK"!

4. Spending $200 to have the Bose speakers rewired to work with a cheap $100 CD deck. Sounded like crap! Should have just put in all new speakers, the labor would have paid for them. Then all I would have had to do is read up on how to install them.

My current Z a 95 TT manual in cobalt green, so far have'nt made any big mistakes. This time though, I'm upgrading the car, unlike the NA. So time will tell.

Well, there you have it. As embarrassing as it is, I'm glad I learned those lessons on a beat up NA, and not my precious TT. For those of you who just picked up a Z, take the tire lesson seriously. Inadvertently sliding one of these is hard enough to recover on a race track, let alone a wet and crowded public road. Be safe!

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