TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Addition to
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Subject Addition to
Posted by Rickÿ T L (Ma) on April 10, 2006 at 6:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 365 times.
Message is a great tool for finding info and advice about our Z32's. it's also a great market place to advertise new products and sell old ones.

but i think some of the site is a little to vague, here some of my ideas

i know some of u maybe thinking that this some what simmilar of, but i think these would be tastefull addition

  1. Group Buy forum (advertise GB's going on at that time, much like an events forum but with threads ending after the GB is over)
  2. seller/buyer feed back (maybe even two of those, one listing all the good people, one listing all the bad)
  3. video/picture section (every one is allways asking for a picture or past video, it would be nice if they were all grouped right?)
  4. private message system (YGM, want to cruise tonight, etc etc, could all be sent like an instant message but have them pop up when you first log into the site, like news updates)
  5. maybe even do away with the polls forum ( how often does it get used, plus with good wording u can get opinions in the general forum)
  6. No changes at all, is perfect (this may well be!)
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