TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Injector upgrade
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Subject Injector upgrade
Posted by drmx on January 12, 2006 at 11:34 PM
  This message has been viewed 405 times.
Message #3 injector has failed, time to upgrade. Average 'stage 5' car. Mods are in my profile. Future plans include IC's and sp500's or sp530's. I did a simple breakdown of the costs for either choice. Prices are assuming all new parts, minus core charges, from a major vendor:

Nismo 740's

Z32 intake gasket 8
Z32 95 injector connectors 66
Z32 95 fuel rail kit 160
JWT machined lower intake 120
Z32 lower intake gaskets 120
Nismo 740cc injectors 723
Plenum pull labor 350
Lower plenum install labor 250
JWT ECU Reflash 100

Total 1897

Border 850's

Z32 injector kit 1425
Plenum pull labor 350
JWT ECU Reflash 100

Total 1875

Please make a serious choice based on actual experience, not 'my buddy knew a guy who had them' stories. Any helpful information is appreciated.

  1. Nismo 740cc/min
  2. Border 850cc/min
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