TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What to do with a N/A
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Subject What to do with a N/A
Posted by longhornz32(Dallas) on August 31, 2005 at 1:59 PM
  This message has been viewed 294 times.
Message Well, I've finally come to a place that I don't know what to do with my car. I love my little Z but I have always wanted to go to the darkside. After years of owning it and it being out in the Texas sun with no garage it now needs a full paint job along with new moulding, front bumper etc... I have recently bought a house and now have a garage to protect it and do any minor repairs that may come up. It's mechanically sound but the body work and paint is going to cost a lot to do it right. I would imagine around 3k to take it back to it's orginal condition. After all that work the car is still only going to be worth 5-7k. This is my problem and I'd like to hear others thoughts that mignt have been in the same situation. What do I do with my N/A.

  1. Completely restore it and eventually do a TT swap
  2. Completely restore it and just enjoy it for what it is.
  3. Hold on to it in its present condition buy my dream TT and sell the N/A.
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