TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - boost and oil temp. maybe water temp
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Subject boost and oil temp. maybe water temp
Posted by dogpile on August 22, 2005 at 5:30 PM
  This message has been viewed 245 times.
In Reply To gauges posted by ARA300ZX on August 14, 2005 at 06:57 PM
Message boost is obvious
oil temp is so you dont boost when the car is cold. youd be suprised how long it takes to warm the oil
water temp cause the gauge in the car isnt 'real time'. im not sure if you can rewire it like you can a miata.

no offense, but the last thing you need to do is spend the money for a wideband setup. put the new stuff you ordered on, get it tuned (buy an afc) and be done with it. you wont use the wideband, or atleast i hope you wouldnt try to tune it yourself and the dyno places usually have their own. you can argue the benefit of having it all day, but why pay $300+ for soemthing youd use once, if at all (again, somehow i doubt youd tune it yourself)

do you even know how to use an egt gauge?

id take the money for the egt and wideband gauges and do whatever maintance that isnt up to date - theres always soemthing. or save it and do a hpde - if you got an hour to kill talk to barry about it. youll get more from that than the extra 100hp you just added

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