TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Shave it if you don't drive in the rain
Shave it if you don't drive in the rain
Posted by
TTwinZ (CT)
on May 09, 2005 at 9:55 AM
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Shaved rear wiper?
posted by cherryz
on May 02, 2005 at 09:42 PM
If you do drive in the rain i would suggest keeping it.
Follow Ups
Shaved rear wiper?
21:42:24 05/02/05
I think it would look nicer with it gone, but...
shawn300zTT GT28R soon
01:14:35 05/03/05
i love the look with the wiper! Adds to the lines i think (n/m)
19:48:15 05/05/05
Took mine off and plugged the hole with a 99 cent
21:54:16 05/05/05
Shave it if you don't drive in the rain -
TTwinZ (CT)
09:55:21 05/09/05
I plan on doing mine
CowBoy -- $$$ PiTT
04:55:31 05/16/05
check out mine. Used a German coin to cover the hole
Gordo 93TT NYC
21:13:44 06/14/05
Do u drive it in the rain?
18:26:41 08/12/05
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