TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Defi BF gauges.....
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Subject Defi BF gauges.....
Posted by shawn300zTT GT28R soon on May 03, 2005 at 1:02 AM
  This message has been viewed 242 times.
Message I am currently about to order these.
They are 60mm.
I am getting

Fuel pressure

These gauges are the ones that are completely black faced when off and light up with LED when on.

They are currently offered in two colors.
White LED illum numbers with red needle
Red LED illum numbers with red needle.

My plan on color scheme is Blue/Black interior and engine bay.
They do not offer blue colored illum gauges.

Which would you do?

Here is white.. [ ]

Here is red.. [ ]

You can see a animation of both, including the powering up sequence here... [ ]

  1. White LED letters with Red needle
  2. Red LED letters with Red needle
  3. Go with different gauge company, please recommend.
  4. HKS (electric)
  5. GReddy (electric)
  6. Blitz ( electric)
  7. Autometer *should be shot if you recommend these* :)
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