TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What are your overall plans for your Z32?
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Subject What are your overall plans for your Z32?
Posted by BlitZ95TT on April 22, 2005 at 3:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 362 times.
Message I had a discussion with a buddy of mine who seen my Z for the first time the other night. We talked about why I own it and what I plan overall to do with it.

I am curious as to what you TT guys plan on doing with your Z when you finally finish it... Yes eventually you can more or less be done with it.

  1. Upgraded Turbo's fully built motor for drag and road course a set of wheels and call it day
  2. Stage 3/5 a set of wheels and the occasional race
  3. Total show car. Maybe upgrade my turbos but the only place the power is used is on a Dyno
  4. Show and go... I want it all even a widebody kit.
  5. Keep it for the weekend drives and to have alittle fun I upgrade as things go wrong
  6. My Z is pieces and I still have no clue what I am doing
  7. A lil bit of everything... Drag, Road course and autocross. Suspension, eventually a JWT 500 Turbos a nice set of wheels and some jspec head lights
  8. Stock is beautiful I don't need more HP or to improve the looks or handling
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