TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I don't know what this is in reference to, but here's what I
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Subject I don't know what this is in reference to, but here's what I
Posted by CowBoy -- $$$ PiTT on April 19, 2005 at 6:05 AM
  This message has been viewed 266 times.
In Reply To How should one handle problems with a vendor? posted by SeedyROM on April 19, 2005 at 01:55 AM
Message Would do.
First I would e-mail the member on the other forum and ask for a full description of what exactly happened. Mind you this will be his version.
Next I would e-mail the Vendor and ask him/her about some specific's regarding what happened with the other member.
Now compare the two and see what similiarity's and discrepencies (sp?) there are between the two.

Now after reviewing both peoples statements, and you feel that the vendor is more at fault than the customer then, I'd feel, that you'd be justified to start a new posting on another forum regarding the situation, also linking to the origional posting.

Now mind you, if the Vendor is a well known, well liked vendor and you yourself have had personal problems with the vendor, then it's possible that your posting will not be understood as the way you intended. So then you will have to ask yourself the question, are you doing this to try to "1 up" the vendor and damage his potential business because of your personal feelings? Or are you trying to inform the members of the other forum on the vendor's business practice regardless of your personal experiences with him? Would you be just as willing to post and link to the other site if your prior experiences with him were positive?

I'd say, this is my $.02 now, that if it was more for personal slander or trying to get back at the vendor then let it rest in the other forum. However if you see a member at the other forum that you were thinking of posting a new message to talking about doing business with this particular vendor, then I would send them a e-mail regarding your personal experiences with the vendor and send them the link to the other posting in your e-mail.


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